Redefining Recovery Through Technology

The Intrepid Phoenix recovery platform enables healthcare professionals to provide personalized support, monitor progress, and deliver timely interventions, ultimately enhancing the overall effectiveness of patient care and recovery.

Rising Challenges

Substance use disorder continues to devastate communities, affecting millions of Americans with alarming rates of relapse and mortality.


High Relapse Rate

Approximately 86% of individuals in recovery experience a relapse within their first year.


Families Affected

46% of American families have at least one member suffering from substance use disorder.


Overdose Deaths

In 2023, the United States recorded more than 107,000 overdose deaths.

Our AI–Powered App Predicts and Combats Relapse Before it Happens.

Intrepid Phoenix addresses this crisis through our AI-powered Quality of Sobriety app, designed to predict relapses before they occur. This proactive approach allows for timely interventions by clinicians and support networks, enhancing the chances of sustained recovery.

Personalized Plan of Recovery

Connect with Your Team

Track Your Progress

Maintain Accountability

Important Alerts

People In Recovery

Empowering Patients to Break the Cycle

At Intrepid Phoenix, we understand the intense challenges that come with battling substance use disorder. Our advanced software and program are designed to offer you the support and guidance you need to stay on track with your recovery.

By predicting potential relapses before they occur, our app empowers you and your support network to take proactive steps to prevent setbacks. With easy access on your smartphone or other device, you can follow your personalized treatment plan and stay accountable anytime, anywhere. We are committed to helping you break the cycle of substance use disorder and reclaim your life.

Treatment Providers

Enhanced Care & Seamless Integration

For treatment providers, Intrepid Phoenix offers a transformative tool to enhance the care you provide to your patients. Our app not only predicts potential relapses, allowing for timely interventions, but also helps streamline your workflow by providing objective data on a patient’s recovery progress and facility staff’s use of the app. This enables you to focus more on personalized care and less on administrative tasks.

By integrating seamlessly into your existing care plans, the app ensures continuous support for patients between clinical appointments and improves care coordination. Intrepid Phoenix empowers you to deliver more efficient and effective treatment, ultimately helping more individuals achieve lasting recovery.