Author: ip-admin

University of Notre Dame startup Intrepid Phoenix Ventures, a technology company focused on substance use disorder recovery software, continues to rise as it just closed a $2 million investment from Red

With alcohol and drug addiction accelerating and treatment providers stretched thin, Bowen Center is turning to a powerful, artificial intelligence (AI) software application to help patients stay the course on

Original article posted to Quality of Sobriety is a relapse prevention software platform for people in recovery from substance abuse disorder. The company uses machine learning through AI to

Every home football Friday, the IDEA Center at the University of Notre Dame hosts Innovation Rally, an event that features innovative speakers, networking and an interactive showcase of emerging and

Larry Smith – Intrepid President LA PORTE – La Porte-based Intrepid Phoenix Ventures has received a $20,000 investment from the Elevate Ventures Community Ideation Fund. Intrepid is developing an app to